Awesome... Life without regrets... Like the interracial gay guys below the sign... gotta love t!
Calebs Airplane
JoinedPosts by Calebs Airplane
4 Billboard in Bangalore India
by Watchtower-Free in.
ex cult memes and videos.
New World Order (Novus Ordo Seclorum)
by Calebs Airplane ingod not only determined and set his mind on that new world order as soon as the need arose, away back at the time of the rebellion in eden, but also set his heart upon it with unbreakable attachment and devotion.
-watchtower, november 15, 1952 page 696 paragraph 4.
NEWS UPDATE: Stats from Bethel
by Da.Furious ini received some statistics from a friend in bethel in brooklyn.. here are the numbers:. million visits1 billion publication files downloaded150 million videos watched/downloadedwebsite available now in 540 languagespublication available in 700 language for downloadover 100,000 online bible study requests availablenew caleb/sofia video will be available from 1 september (topic: caleb & sofia's visit to bethel) .
pioneers: 167,000 vs 2010 no of pioneers: 132,000 - increase of 6.1%p.a.
Is The Governing Body Afraid To Slam Muslims???
by minimus inthey boldly spoke against the catholics.
i'd love to see them rail against the muslims..
An important message from a PRACTICING Jehovah's witness
by Sparks inhi, i am also a practicing jehovah's witness and very proud of it,to say the very-very least..!
i am a middle-aged man with many decades of being a witness of jehovah god in england.. this important letter is personally to you, just as many of the bible's 88 letters are to be taken personal by you the reader.
i am writing to you to urge you to take stock of your life, think what your future holds for you.
...The WBT$ Theft of Kingdom Hall Bank Accounts and JW Elders...
by OUTLAW in.. the new wbt$ donation arrangement/ jw kingdom hall bank account theft... is a very hot topic right now... the wbt$ is literally going to clean out kingdom hall bank accounts,filled with donations from jws... that theft is going to happen world wide..the wbt$ is going to steal from 7 million plus jw`s... .. we have jw elders here on jwn,that know whats going on... they "serve" in kingdom halls,they are "supposed" to be looking after the welfare of the average jw... they know there is a 4 page letter,only one page will be read to the congregation..the rest will be kept secret... they know the wbt$ is about to steal jw donations..on a world wide scale!!!...
.. i would like to know what you active jw elders are going to do about this??!!...
are you going to let "your" congregation know about the other 3 secret pages?...
Calebs Airplane
$3 Billion class action lawsuit on behalf of Jehovahs Witnesses children
by mind blown indecember 1, 2012. australia.
a $3 billion class action lawsuit is being launched in australia on behalf of up to 6,160 children within the church of jehovahs witnesses.
documents relating to the class action reveal over 14,000 serious criminal breaches of mandatory child protection laws, committed against these children by elders and ministers of religion within the church of jehovahs witnesses over the past 4 years.. the victorian government inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religions and other organisations is currently investigating the allegations, and is expected to hold a public hearing in relation to this in early 2013..
Calebs Airplane
Anyone know the latest?
Sign this petition - Investigation On Jehovahs Witnesses Religious Policy That Violates Human Rights and Abuses Religious Freedom
by TJ Curioso inlaunch an investigation on jehovahs witnesses religious policy that violates human rights and abuses religious freedom.
Calebs Airplane
So what was the outcome of this petition?
Gerrit Losch talks to poor South Americans about Materialism while wearing THREE (3) gold rings and 2 gold cuff links...
by Calebs Airplane inhe also talks trash about higher education .... (for those who know some spanish, view this youtube video...).
what an idiot.. .
Calebs Airplane
SuperBoy... where on earth did you hear that incredibly infantile and ridiculous definition of materialism?
White marine beaten by group of black men using Fergusen case as excuse, media won't say 'black men' though.
by EndofMysteries inthis pisses me off, after all the news agencies that point out that things such as the ferguson shooting were a white man killing a black "kid" (18 years old and if an 18 yr old is accused of commiting a sex crime then suddenly they are a "grown man").
now look at this story from ny times, "a 32-year-old marine was beaten by a group of men outside of a mississippi restaurant after he was warned it wasn't safe for white people in the wake of the michael brown killing in missouri," .
so black on white crime, i guess they can't say "a group of black men", it just has to be a group of men?
Calebs Airplane
Raging Bull... Well said.